Main Page
From Italian Dual Citizenship Wiki
Revision as of 01:22, 5 June 2022 by Freddythunder (talk | contribs)
Doppia Cittadinanza
Ciao tutti! I have been wanting to get a website together to help people with their questions and application process for dual Italian Citizenship.
Transgojoebot mentioned on Reddit that there used to be a wiki somewhere to keep information organized. I thought it was a great idea so if you would like to use this wiki for your own notes, feel free to create an account. I am moderating accounts so it doesn't become a land of endless bot spam so if you create an account, send an email to with your username and I can activate the account.
There is a Facebook group that is great and very popular, however if you don't have a facebook account (like me) you don't have access to it. I want to put some of the information from that group here and organize it in a different way. There are also groups on Reddit r/juresanguinis and r/doppiacittadinanza where you can ask questions and start discussions.
When I was gathering information and documents for my application I created an online organizer. A couple people have been asking me for it so I will build it on the main website page in the near future.
I am 3 years into the application process. I had called for my appointment back in August of 2019 and awaited my appointment January 31, 2022. Then COVID hit and, at least in Los Angeles, they stopped taking new applications and started cancelling ones that had been made years ago!